Public Swim
Public Pool Schedule & Membership Information
Family & Lap Swimming Schedule
Academic Year (when school is in session)
Weekends: 1:30pm – 4:30pm
Monday & Wednesday Evenings: 7:00pm – 8:30pm
Summer Hours (school summer break)
Daily (Monday – Sunday): 1:30pm – 4:30pm
Evenings (Monday – Thursday): 6:35pm – 8:30pm
Holiday Closings
Week of Thanksgiving (School Break)
Winter Holiday (Christmas School Break)
Easter Sunday
Pool will also close for Athletic Events, Staff Trainings, and Maintenance.
Closings will be posted on the Cougar Facebook Page.
Annual Pool Membership (May to May)
San Lorenzo Valley Resident (Individual): $40
San Lorenzo Valley Resident (Family): $100
Non-San Lorenzo Valley Resident (Individual): $80
Non-San Lorenzo Valley Resident (Family): $200
Payment is due at the pool during public swim hours or pay online below. Cash or checks accepted (payable to SLVUSD).
- Proof of San Lorenzo Valley residency required.
- Annual Membership are from May to May (12 months)
- Family Membership for immediate family members only.
Pool Policies
- Personal Flotation Devices (PDFs) are never allowed on children.
- Parents must be with their children while at the pool.
- Swimmers must wear swimming suits.
- Lap swimmers must share lanes. Maximum 4 per lane.
- Diving boards are always closed.
- Only plastic containers in pool area.
- Only walk in the pool area.
Pool Location & Contact Information
San Lorenzo Valley High School Pool
7105 Hwy 9, Felton, CA 95018
Phone: (831) 239-4228